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Toi Kiri

Koha The Kaupapa

Koha Kaupapa
Nga Uri o Muturangi
Koha the Kaupapa

Toi Kiri, starting in 2019 as Wānanga Indigenous until it evolved into its own right of festival as Toi Kiri in 2022, is completely organised by the small team at Te Tuhi Mareikura Charitable Trust.


This means that every year the level of Toi Kiri's delivery is solely determined by how much money we can raise, secure funding, find sponsorship for or offset.

Your koha will go towards anything including (but not limited to) building the festival, supporting international indigenous artists to come to or get around Aotearoa, purchase resources for use in wānanga or symposium, support kaimahi who help us in delivering Toi Kiri, go towards fun activities for the tamariki, getting marquees and gazebos, koha for the marae and kaitiaki, maybe hiring vehicles or kai, printing or marketing, housing our exhibition or professional support, powering up, supporting stage acts, getting other artists or speakers in to korero ... the list is endless and all to put on one epic indigenous cultural arts experience!

And because a koha doesn't always look like a $ donation, if you think you have a resource or service that you would like to koha towards Toi Kiri or Te Tuhi Mareikura Trust, get in touch with us by email

If you are a business wishing to donate and you would like to include GST, please send us an email to create a payable invoice - we can even add your business to our event sponsors in recognition of your contribution.



One time












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Ngā mihi maioha i tō tautoko!

Special mentions,

The people who help make Toi Kiri happen

Not including the artists or communities we serve - from kaitiaki to volunteers and those who give their time, trustees and our team, massive supporters to the kaupapa - every persons contribution has made Toi Kiri possible over the years.

Without their Support


Toi Kiri is able to happen thanks to an awesome team of committed volunteers and sponsors who help us to work towards achieving our goals.

One of our core goals is to build strong, sustainable and enduring relationships with organisations, groups and individuals within the rohe of Tauranga Moana to ensure the continued advancement and development of ngā toi māori - Māori arts, the wider creative community and art audiences.

If you feel that our kaupapa might align with your goals, please reach out in an email or message and we can meet and have a chat.

Over the years, Te Tuhi Mareikura Trust owes thanks our funders, sponsors, supporters and volunteers who make it possible for us to achieve and celebrate Toi Kiri. Thank you for being an integral part of the journey.