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Ta Atea 2020

7 March - 16 March

Nga Uri o Muturangi
Ta Atea 2020

Enveloped in our stories, tā tatau and tā moko hold a deep history throughout the worlds indigenous and first nations peoples. Ancestral hands bring to life ageless ingenuity in ancient and new ways, to strengthen and enrich our identity.

Indigenous tā tatau and tā moko

Ngā Uri o Muturangi indigenous week provides a unique forum for indigenous groups to reflect, probe, collaborate and celebrate – to enjoy an exclusively indigenous context to consider tattoo heritage, values and beliefs. The week culminated in an indigenous space or ‘atea’ showcasing our tattoo and art practitioners to educate and contest mainstream audience misrepresentation of our customs.

Nga Uri o Muturangi
Ko taku toi taku ohooho!

My origin is my awakening!

Nga Uri o Muturangi
Tā Atea

In March 2020, Ngā Uri o Muturangi and Te Tuhi Mareikura Trust hosted indigenous artists and revivalists in Ngā Uri o Muturangi: Wānanga Indigenous 7 - 13 March and Tattoo & Art ExtravagaNZa, 14 - 15 March 2020, Tauranga Moana, New Zealand.

This year we welcomed indigenous guests from Nlaka’pamux, Haida, Acjachemen, Mutsun Ohlone, Tlingit, Iñupiaq, Paiute, Inuit, Kalaallit Nunaat, Inuk, Chemehuevi, Konkow, Nisenan, Haudenosaunee - Onʌyote’a:ka, Mo'orea, Tuamotu, Fiji, Marquesas, Samoa, Tonga, Indonesia, Bali, Philippines, and tangata whenua Maori.

Tā tatau & Tā moko for indigenous practitioners and cultural exponents

  • In 2020 we planned a programme of conjoint activities to satisfy first timers and returning artists, and an extended wānanga period so that our indigenous communities may secure maximum benefit.

  • At the festival we again offered ‘Tangata Whenua Māori Open Space’ however we had some additional options available


Tino Rangatiratanga, Linda Munn

13 MAR - 15 MAR


Tattoo & Art ExtravagaNZa
Baypark Arena
Truman Lane
Mount Maunganui

  • Dedicated space for Indigenous Nations tattoo practices both traditional and contemporary

  • Fully catered marae accommodation for the weekend is inclusive for wānanga attendees*

  • Increased allocated space to indigenous tā tatau and tā moko practitioners

  • Walled booth options for Aotearoa Indigenous Studios (note 3 booth is the largest available)**

  • Tangata whenua and mana wāhine (women’s) spaces of support and practice

  • Increased prize allocations to indigenous categories

  • Scheduled stage allocation for indigenous cultural performances

  • Full support of guest indigenous communities from our local tangata whenua crew

  • Friday 13 hakari feast, concert performance and invited tattoo presentations on the marae

*Fully catered deal covered 7 to 16 March

**Spaces were limited so early registration was advised even if you were a returning studio



Tino Rangatiratanga, Linda Munn

7 MAR - 15 MAR



  • Fully catered (to a range of diets) marae meals and marae accommodation

  • Fully catered accommodation to continue until Monday 16 March

  • Increased programme of workshops and presentations by cultural artists from a range of indigenous

  • Increased covered spaces available for programming and accommodating our events

  • Transport available for cultural trips to local sites, exclusive experiences and visits

  • Performances, art exhibitions, workshops, invited speakers and practical art making

  • Mana Wāhine allocated space to share and discuss womens tatau practices and politics

  • Friday hakari feast, concert performance and invited presentations from a range of artists

  • An affordable price tag of NZ$400 all-inclusive per person for ten days catered stay

**Entry fees to specific cultural events or facilities may incur a fee

“Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou e whakapau kaha ana ki tēnei kaupapa”

– Toi Kiri, 2022

TMT Taniko Strip_Double Long-01.png

Wānanga Indigenous (Tā Atea) is a fully-catered marae live-in wānanga education event of sharing between world-wide indigenous artists, and is hosted by the tangata whenua Māori of Tauranga Moana. These wānanga provide a unique opportunity for indigenous peoples to explicitly share and workshop in cultural practices, aspirations around tatau traditions, art, dance and music, to share experiences, techniques, tool making, traditions, politics and developments around practice – including ongoing cultural developments, examining our evolving international practice’s in the present and future, and share political and cultural concerns including developments around tatau practices. Artists and revivalists are invited to direct us on what they particularly wish to share or facilitate.

Spaces in Wānanga Indigenous are highly sought after, and for future events, we would like to emphasize that this is for indigenous practitioners to share their experiences in a safe solely indigenous environment.

A wānanga is a particular Māori learning experience that encourages an immersed environment of living together for the purposes of intensive learning and sharing.